WIP !!! (some things may be repeated)

Master-list of Tone Tags / Tone Indicators

/j = joking
/jk = just kidding
/hj = half joking
/mj = mostly or mainly joking
/ij = inside joke
/tfj = 3/4 joking
/jw = just wondering
/s or /sarc = sarcastic / sarcasm
/ms = mostly sarcastic
/hs = half sarcastic
/srs = serious
/nsrs = not serious
/hsrs = half serious
/msrs = mostly serious
/lh = light-hearted
/hlh = half light-hearted
/g or /gen = genuine
/gq or /genq = genuine question
/grq or /genrq = genuine request
/gs or /gens = genuine suggestion
/hap = happy
/aff or /a = affectionate
/ref = reference
/t = teasing
/pf = playful
/nm = not mad
/lu or /lua = a little upset
/u or /up = upset
/vu = very upset
/conc = concerned
/w = worried
/lw = a little worried
/vw = very worried
/sann = slightly annoyed
/ann = annoyed
/vann = very annoyed
/lm = little mad
/vm = very mad
/ang = angry
/ngt = not guilt tripping
/nbh = nobody here (for when you’re vagueposting or venting but it’s directed at nobody here)
/sbh = somebody here
/ts = to self
/v or /av = a vent
/nav = not a vent
/nsb = not subtweeting
/sbtw = subtweeting
/nf = not forced
/nay = not at you
/ay = at you
/nbh = nobody here
/nah = not anyone here
/nmah = not mad at anyone here
/nmay = not mad at you
/nai = not an insult
/sym = sympathizing
/em = empathizing
/cont = continued (in next post/message)
/safe = safe to open/read
/ny = not yelling
/ts = to self
/nbr = not being rude
/ot = off topic
/th = threat
/pa = passive aggressive
/npa = not passive aggressive
/cb = clickbait
/f = fake
/nf = not fake
/q = quote
/l or /ly or /lyr = lyrics
/mhly = misheard lyrics
/c = copy-pasta
/m = metaphor / metaphorically
/li = literal / literally
/rt or /rh = rhetorical question
/hyp = hyperbole
/para = paraphrase
/p or /pl = platonic
/r = romantic
/a = alterous
/pq = queerplatonic
/sx or /x = sexual intent
/nsx or /ns = non-sexual intent
/fl = flirting
/nfl = not flirting
/pc or /pos = positive connotation
/nc or /neg = negative connotation
/neu = neutral / neutral connotation
/apa or /apath = apathy
/conf = confused
/st = still thinking
/non = nonsense
/dr = don’t reply
/cr = cringey
/e = excited
/ns = not sure
/i = ironic
/ui = unironic
/cwh = coping with humour
/dkm = don’t kill me (used with opinions or some jokes)
/cur or /curi = curious
/exc or /exci or /! = excited
/pf = playful
/ao = an order
/nao = not an order
/naq = not a question
/br = bragging
/fx = flex
/nabr = not a brag
/nafx = not a flex
/calm = calm / calmly
/cel = celebratory
/co or /cf = comforting
/fam = familial
/gentle = gentle / gently
/info = information / informing
/irre = irrelevant
/unin = unintentional
/unre = unrelated
/st = state
/tan = tangent
/tic = tic for when something is typed out unintentionally due to it being a tic
/w = warm / warmth
/pi = pun intended
/npi = no pun intended
/gs = general statement
/js = just saying
/sympt = symptom
/anx or /anxi = anxious
/nerv = nervous
/trig = triggered (only to be used when an actual trigger is set off)
/fb = flashback
/li or /lit = literal/literally
/ref = reference
/dni = do not interact
/dna = do not ask
/sat = satire
/media = something in meda (IRL/DA term)
/mediamem = memory from media (IRL/DA term)
/wp = wrong proxy (pluralkit/tupperbox term)
/sou = something in source (system term)
/sourcemem = memory from source
(system term)
/sys /syst = system (system term)
/iw = innerworld (system term)
/ow = outerworld (system term)
/jw = just wondering
/meme = meme
/q or /quo = quote
/lhj = lighthearted joke
/lht = lighthearted teasing
/lhq = lighthearted question
/lhth = lighthearted threat
/fam = famillial
/t = tease
/b = banter
/ny = not yelling
/tq = typing quirk
/rh /rt /rhet (rhetorical)
/ij (inside joke)
/bit (bit; similar to an inside joke)
/nsx /nx (no sexual connotation)
/x /sx (sexual connotation)
/nf (not forced)
/nfta (not forced to answer)
/nyf (not your fault)
/npa (not passive aggressive)
/npe (no pressure)
/nbr (not being rude)
/nay (not at you)
/ay (at you)
/wc (with consent)
/m (metaphor)
/hyp (hyperbole)
/ex (exageration)
/hq (half question)
/f (fake)
/c (copypasta)
/ir (irony)
/ch /cwh (coping [with] humor)
/cj (coping joke)
/mem (memory)
/del (delusion)
/hal (hallucination)
/em (erotomantia)
/s = Sarcastic
/j = Joking
/hj = half joke
/lh = light hearted
/t = teasing
/srs = Serious
/gen = Genuine
/pos = Positive
/neg = Negative
/nbh = nobody here
/nm = not mad
/p = platonic
/r = romantic
/li = Literally
/ij = Inside joke
/hyp = Hyperbole
/th = threat
/m = metaphorically
/npa = not passive aggressive
/nf = not forced
/op = optional
/nav = Not A Vent
/info = information.
/neu = neutral
/gs = genuine suggestion
/ci = caring intent
/nay = not at you
/lu = little upset
/f = fake
/b = bitter
/ref = reference
/cb = clickbait
/c = copypasta
/ot = off topic
/rhq = rhetorical question
/apa = apathetic
/ncm = not comparing
/v = violent
/fu = furious
/q = quote
/ny = not yelling
/fam = familial
/sym = sympathetic
/cj = coping joke
/md = melodramatic
/np = no pressure
/hsrs = half serious
/aff = affectionate
/lyr = lyrics
/j or /jk - Joking
/hj - Half-joking
/s or /sar - Sarcasm
/srs - Serious
/nsrs - Not serious
/g or /gen - Genuine
/gq - Genuine question
/gc - Genuinely confused
/lh - Light-hearted
/nm - Not mad
/pos or /pc - Positive connotation/intent
/neg or /nc - Negative connotation/intent
/neu - Neutral connotation/intent
/ly or /l - Lyrics
/p - Platonic
/t - Teasing
/ref - Reference
/r - Romantic
/sx or /x - Sexual intent
/nsx or /nx - Non-sexual intent
/m - Metaphorical
/li - Literal
/nlit - Not literal
/ij - Inside joke
/c or /cp - Copypasta
/f - Fake
/th - Threat
/cb - Clickbait
/a - Affectionate
/q - Quote
/nf - Not forced
/nfta - Not forced to answer
/pa - Passive-aggressive
/npa - Not passive-aggressive
/ay - At you
/nay - Not at you
/lu - Little upset
/nu - Not upset
/nav - Not a vent
/nbh - Nobody here
/nbr - Not being rude
/sd - Self depreciating
/nsd - Not self depreciating
/ot - Off topic
/tq - Typing quirk
/nbs - Nobody specific
/cur - Curious
/wp - Wrong proxy
/npre - No pressure
/hyp - Hyperbole
/sys - Talking about someone in the system
/ci - Caring Intent
/cwh - Coping with humor
/j = joking
/jk = just kidding
/hj = half joking
/mj = mostly or mainly joking
/jw = just wondering
/s or /sarc = sarcastic / sarcasm
/ms = mostly sarcastic
/hs = half sarcastic
/srs = serious
/nsrs = not serious
/hsrs = half serious
/msrs = mostly serious
/lh = light-hearted
/hlh = half light-hearted
/g or /gen = genuine
/gq or /genq = genuine question
/grq or /genrq = genuine request
/gs or /gens = genuine suggestion
/hap = happy
/aff = affectionate
/ij = inside joke
/tfj = 3/4 joking
/ref = reference
/t = teasing
/pf = playful
/nm = not mad
/lu or /lua = a little upset
/u or /up = upset
/vu = very upset
/conc = concerned
/w = worried
/lw = a little worried
/vw = very worried
/sann = slightly annoyed
/ann = annoyed
/vann = very annoyed
/lm = little mad
/vm = very mad
/ang = angry
/ngt = not guilt tripping
/nbh = nobody here (for when you’re vagueposting or venting but it’s directed at nobody here)
/sbh = somebody here
/ts = to self
/v or /av = a vent
/nav = not a vent
/nsb = not subtweeting
/sbtw = subtweeting
/nf = not forced
/nay = not at you
/ay = at you
/nbh = nobody here
/nah = not anyone here
/nmah = not mad at anyone here
/nmay = not mad at you
/nai = not an insult
/sym = sympathizing
/em = empathizing
/cont = continued (in next post/message)
/safe = safe to open/read
/ny = not yelling
/ts = to self
/nbr = not being rude
/ot = off topic
/th = threat
/pa = passive aggressive
/npa = not passive aggressive
/cb = clickbait
/f = fake
/nf = not fake
/q = quote
/l or /ly or /lyr = lyrics
/mhly = misheard lyrics
/c = copy-pasta
/m = metaphor / metaphorically
/li = literal / literally
/rt or /rh = rhetorical question
/hyp = hyperbole
/para = paraphrase
/p or /pl = platonic
/r = romantic
/a = alterous
/pq = queerplatonic
/sx or /x = sexual intent
/nsx or /ns = non-sexual intent
/fl = flirting
/nfl = not flirting